
Seneye Intro:

Seneye remotely monitor your aquarium or pond through a unique optical sensor and cloud based website. Simply place your seneye in water and connect it to a PC or Seneye Web Server. That’s it! Now you get information and alerts for dangerous changes in water parameters on email and SMS worldwide.

The seneye device is revolutionising keeping fish by helping to dramatically reduce fish deaths. The seneye allows fish keepers to truly understand what happens inside their aquarium or pond by monitoring the harmful parameters which aren’t detectable to the human eye.

A seneye device dramatically improves the frequency, accuracy, sensitivity, and robustness of water sensing to ensure that aquatic life does not just survive, but thrives!

Why Use Seneye To Monitor Your Aquarium?

We buy a fish tank to hold water, then a heater or chiller to keep the temperature constant, filters to keep the fish from becoming poisoned, along with lights for illumination and plant growth. Then we spend a fortune on fish, coral, plants and décor which we become very attached to. The next step is to cross our fingers and hope for the best or spend half our lives testing and checking is all okay. There is an alternative, let seneye protect your loved ones.

For more details on the Seneye line visit

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